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The Lovers, 
Crossed with Death,
And The Hanged Man,
These were my Tarots,
These were my gifts,
My revelation.

Time to change,
To move into a glorious sunset,
Into an exquisite new day.

It needs to be the crimson sunset,
Bringing down the day with painful memories,
With sorrow and tears,
Regret and loss,
In a phantasmagoria of colour,
Dark reds, violet, indigo,
Bringing rest in the dark skies,
And allowing metamorphoses, a re-creation, 
Resurrection the next morning,
Establishing a new order,
Beginning with a new darkness,
A deep profound quiet,
Preparations and empowerment,
For the activities of the coming pale light of dawn.

A sunset is the envisioning part of the new dawn,
After the most spectacular moment,
Heralding a new moment, a new time,
If we look, 
The darkness begins during the suns collapse,
Forms opposite the suns sleep,
Dark and indistinct, long shadows appear. 
But why ignore the dark forms?
The shadows that lacerate our souls,
While focusing on the glorious colours in the sky, 
On the promise of the new day. 

We all face the inevitable darkness,
Of a new beginning, 
The severity, length and depth of the darkness,
Depending on the type of beginning,
Our own perceptiveness of Persephone,
Or how it was thrust upon us.

The night is a part of the promise,
Of every sunset, 
Often, it is better not to light up the night, 
But to accept and learn to appreciate the rich darkness, 
The deep quiet,
And prepare and empower for the activities of the coming dawn.

Martin Gaughan
Martin Gaughan - Composer